Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This post is dedicated to Felicia because she was on the phone with me when it happened and was the one who encouraged me to blog about it. So Felicia, here's to you. Haha.
Once upon a time in a land not so far away, lived a girl named Cherry. One fateful day Cherry received a phone call from a friend named Laquisha. Before she received her phone call she had been listening to some music and when the phone rang all she was thinking about was answering the phone- not where to place her earphones. About half way through the conversation Cherry noticed that one of her earphones had landed in her glass of milk, and I don't mean just any milk-Cherry's sacred rice milk. She took the earphone out of the milk and started to dry it off with the pink toilet paper that was sitting on her desk. Cherry was unsure whether she should tell Laquisha or not, but she was figured it was too amusing to not tell. So Laquisha laughed along with Cherry, and advised her to blog about it. This tale may have started out grim, but I assure you it has a happy ending. When Cherry finally got the milk-drenched earphone all dried off, she tested it out, and to her and Laquisha's surprise IT STILL WORKED! Ahh folks, all is well that ends well. The end.
But I still don't understand how these things happen to me! First the toothbrush in the toilet, now the earphone in the milk! WHY? Haha.

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