Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"That DID NOT just happen!"

Oh my word. So quite a few embarrassing things happen to me on a regular basis, so I decided to start making them new blog posts. I like to call this one I Lost My Lovely Toothbrush. Last night while I was brushing my teeth (I was getting pretty into to it, as I always do) I suddenly lost grip of my toothbrush and accidentally launched my toothbrush through the air. I tried to catch it, but I was too late! I looked down, and there it the toilet! LIKE HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!? Haha. I kid you not, the toothbrush was airborne. I was actually really upset! Even though I was laughing quite a bit. The best part is that I had to stick my hand in the toilet to get it out! AGH. Lol. And now the toothbrush is laid to rest in my washroom garbage. Wow. My life is kind of amusing. Haha.