Thursday, October 14, 2010

Concussed in the face!

Oh boy... Story time. On Tuesday I was walking to class and I tripped on a ridge in the doorway- this sounds like no big deal, usually I would have been able to catch myself. This time however, my 50 lb backpack flew up from behind and smashed my face and body directly into the cement floor. Now I have this really cool scratch on my face. The day it happened and yesterday I was feeling brutal! But I have been getting tonnes of sleep and today I am feeling a lot better. I mean, it still hurts, my face was smashed into the ground...but still, a lot better! Thank you Jesus! Today I am just gonna take it easy again so that by next week I will be fully recovered and ready for another week of school.

She said I think I'll go to Boston...

So over Thanksgiving weekend I went on a road trip with some friends to Boston. It was AMAZING being there! It is a city I could definitely see myself living in. The first day we were there we went to Harvard and to a Harvard vs. Cornell football game. Harvard was beautiful! We were all amazed. How cool would it be to go there?! Later that day we drove to Vermont but could not find one single hotel to stay in- not in the whole state! Apparently it was a long weekend for Americans because of Columbus day, and everyone spent their weekend in Vermont? So we had to cancel out Vermont festivities and drive back to Boston. Not gonna lie, I was thrilled to be back in Boston! There was really nothing to do in Vermont, people were rude, and we couldn't even find anywhere to eat! It was awesome having another day in Boston to see some of the sites; the first day we were there we were at Harvard so it was nice being able to explore a lot of the city the next day. Road trips are always so much fun. Great memories are created, inside jokes are formed, theme music is discovered, etc.! This trip was more adventurous than normal; we didn't really know where we were going stay, and for a while there we didn't even know where we were going, but adventure is always fun. We were all really happy with how the trip had turned out!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

1.)    I enjoy reading multiple novels at a time. I will generally switch between books depending on my mood, unless it is an extremely alluring book; in this case I cannot put the book down.
2.)    I hate wearing shoes. You can probably catch me wearing sandals everyday up until it is snowing, then I wear slippers.
3.)    I love making my own iced tea. There is just something about being able to brew any flavour of tea you like and sweeten it to your own liking.
4.)    I can sometimes be a little antisocial. There is nothing wrong with wanting a little time to yourself.
5.)    I am fascinated with dreaming. I think having dreams is one of the coolest things about being human, and I still don’t really understand how the whole process works. My dreams are a large source of my happiness, and I tend to have multiple dreams a night.
6.)    I love going to bed early. I get a very comforting feeling every time I go to bed earlier than usual, like warm feelings from my childhood or something.
7.)    I love watching YouTube videos. Some of my favourites would have to be of people waking up after getting their wisdom teeth removed, hilarious foreign singers, funny sketches or any funny video, and tie dying tutorials.
8.)    I try to read the news every day. I like to know what is going on in the world; however a lot of what I read upsets me.
9.)    I wish newspapers were easier to read. I think they are the most ridiculous things. I love knowing the content of the paper, but they are so darn hard to hold and to like turn pages.
10.) I write in an online diary. Growing up in a large family, hiding and locking my diary as a kid was always a challenge; technology has saved the day! I have never been that dedicated to writing in my journal, but it is nice for things like venting!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Worst Feeling.....

The worst feeling... is when you are sitting in a lecture...then hear the uproar of furious typing....and realize that you must have zoned out and missed something pretty important. Dang.

I feel as though this happens a lot in life- all aspects. Sometimes it is so easy to just zone out when we live such routine lives. One of the most common regrets you will hear about from other Christians is of lost opportunities. How often do we overlook opportunities God has given us to share our faith? Or ignore situations where we could have had an impact? Pay little attention to people who we are called to love? Sometimes it is because we are taking the easy way out, and other times it is because we have lost out focus.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

La Lecture Est Belle

Reading is beautiful. There are so many stories out there just waiting to be read. I think everyone could fall in love with reading if they were to find books that interested them. I know so many people who have only read books that have been assigned to them in classes; this has left them believing that reading is boring or irrelevant in their lives today. I find reading to be a perfect way to relax and exercise your imagination. You are able to create your own images of characters, settings, and scenes- opposed to just watching a screen. My ideal evening would include curling up with a good book and a cup of tea.

Long time no type...

Hey:) So I figured it was about time I blogged!
Life Updates: Oy. I am back at McMaster for the year. I am living in the same tiny beautiful apartment as last year. I am living with my friend, Nessrine. I haven't even started my readings yet have been a very hard working student so far. My main focus has been socializing and decorating my apartment working ahead. I am extremely unenthusiastic elated to be back at school.  I am really happy to be back in Hamilton though minus a few sketchy run-ins.
Haha. Life is pretty good.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mega Bus Tips

Soooooo.... This past weekend I took the Mega Bus from Montreal to Toronto, and then back to Montreal. It is a pretty cheap way to travel since I was just going home for the weekend; however it is not the most comfortable mode of transportation.

Tip #1 : If you do not want to sit with a stranger for 8 hours these are just a few things you can do to ensure you have a seat to yourself. Firstly, make sure you are there early so that you get first dibs on seats. Secondly, keep your carry-on bags on the seat beside you. Lastly, every time you stop to pick up more people- pretend you are in a deep sleep. These tips work like magic.....unless of course, you are on an entirely packed out bus- then they do a seat count and make sure every single one is full. Boo. I should mention that if you DO open up the seat next to you for business, you can meet a lot of really cool people.

Tip #2: If you do not want to have to use the spaceship-like washroom that is on the bus, avoid most beverages- especially tea and coffee. If you you do end up having to use it, relax, it is not THAT bad. In fact, I think everyone should at least try it once; it is one of the strangest sensations. I would compare it to using airplane washrooms, but A LOT more bumpy and takes some level of balance. JUST DO IT.

Tip #3: Smell clean and pretty. Believe me, I know that people are NOT happy when they have a smelly person behind them. If you do happen to have a smelly person sitting within your sniffing range, the most important thing to do is to out-scent them. This works best if you have some sort of scented food or perfume on the vehicle with you. If you don't, the smell of your own clean laundry and deodorant should suffice.

Tip #4: Remember, this bus ride can be up to 8 hours; so be sure, if you are like me and cannot sleep in moving vehicles, you have enough things to keep you occupied. Some of my personal favourites: I-Pod, books, notebook (to write people letters or draw), laptop (free wifi), etc.

Obey the rules.