Thursday, October 14, 2010

She said I think I'll go to Boston...

So over Thanksgiving weekend I went on a road trip with some friends to Boston. It was AMAZING being there! It is a city I could definitely see myself living in. The first day we were there we went to Harvard and to a Harvard vs. Cornell football game. Harvard was beautiful! We were all amazed. How cool would it be to go there?! Later that day we drove to Vermont but could not find one single hotel to stay in- not in the whole state! Apparently it was a long weekend for Americans because of Columbus day, and everyone spent their weekend in Vermont? So we had to cancel out Vermont festivities and drive back to Boston. Not gonna lie, I was thrilled to be back in Boston! There was really nothing to do in Vermont, people were rude, and we couldn't even find anywhere to eat! It was awesome having another day in Boston to see some of the sites; the first day we were there we were at Harvard so it was nice being able to explore a lot of the city the next day. Road trips are always so much fun. Great memories are created, inside jokes are formed, theme music is discovered, etc.! This trip was more adventurous than normal; we didn't really know where we were going stay, and for a while there we didn't even know where we were going, but adventure is always fun. We were all really happy with how the trip had turned out!

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